Exciting News!

We’re very pleased to report that the Canadian Teachers’ Federation selected the Institute for Public Education BC as the recipient of the 2024 Public Education Advocacy Award. The IPE/BC Board of Directors is humbled by this prestigious honor and very grateful for this wonderful recognition of the work we volunteer to do on behalf of BC’s public schools.

IPE/BC Chairperson, Steve Cardwell accepted the award on behalf of the Board at the CTF-FCE Annual General Meeting which was held in Vancouver this year. In his address to the meeting, Steve had this to say:

“As you all know, advocacy for public education is a constant struggle. There are times when we feel weary and without capacity. However, this award gives us renewed strength and boosts our morale. Even more, it reinvigorates our commitment to ensuring that each and every child receives high quality, and freely accessible education that is welcoming and inclusive”

Steve acknowledged that our job is difficult, and we have a long way to go. However, as he said, the shining light in all of this is the strong work of our friends and allies and what they are doing in concert with our IPE efforts to lobby and press for public education.

Steve ended his remarks with the following, “‘Education,’ said Irish Poet William Butler Yeats, ‘is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.’  It is our job – all of us: teachers, support staff, administrators, parents, politicians, and the public – not only to light that fire, but also to keep it burning brightly. It is education that allows our children to hope and dream for something better. We must not let them down.”

Thank you very much to our nominator, the BCTF, and to the Canadian Teachers’ Federation choosing IPE for this incredible honor and for encouraging us as we carry on our work of advocating for quality, inclusive, well-supported public education in BC.